Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Inventory

Marcelo Novo: Buenos Aires/Columbia, SC

Carl Blair & Anna Redwine: Old and New

Carl Blair

Carl Blair

Carl Blair

Carl Blair

Carl Blair

Anna Redwine

Anna Redwine

Fame Factor

Ed Rice

Kees Salentijn, Virginia Scotchie

Joan Mitchell

Bram van Velde

Benny Andrews, Karel Appel

Virginia Scotchie, Ed Rice

Laura Spong, Paul Reed

Abstract in Nature

Reiner Mahrlein, Silvia Rudolf, Laura Spong

Reiner Mahrlein, Silvia Rudolf

Laura Spong

Katie Walker, Mike Williams

Katie Walker, Paul Reed, Laura Spong

Mike Williams, Laura Spong

Laura Spong, Mike Williams

Laura Spong, Mike Williams

Katie Walker, Mike Williams, Paul Reed

Sculptures: Mike Williams, paintings: Katie Walker

Katie Walker, Mike Williams

Laura Spong, Mike Williams


Herb Parker, John Monteith
Dorothy Netherland, Herb Parker, John Monteith

Herb Parker, Jeff Donovan, Dorothy Netherland

Herb Parker

Herb Parker

Dorothy Netherland 
John Monteith, Herb Parker, Dorothy Netherland
Dorothy Netherland, Jeff Donovan, Herb Parker
John Monteith, Herb Parker, Dorothy Netherland

John Monteith, Herb Parker